Sunday, January 23, 2011

Going Crazy Without Kendo


Due to recent ickybugs of creepin' crud, I've missed two whole weeks of kendo. I'm beginning to go a little stir crazy and get kind of depressed without it (my schedule is totally messed up now, too). I wasn't always such a kendo baka, but I guess I've become one. It's really grown on me, and is helping me to round out my art as a whole.

Plus, you get to smack people with bamboo swords. Great stress relief and a ton of  fun.

While kendo on the surface seems to have little practical application in modern society, I personally feel that isn't the case. It's a great workout. It helps discipline the mind and hone the body. It creates great bonds between people. Granted, it's not an art one studies for self defense, it's an art one studies for personal betterment. I think most of us could use a little personal betterment whether we want to admit it or not.

So I'm hoping I'll be going to my dojo on Tuesday. If not, I may have to spar my sweetie to get my fix! Hopefully we're both feeling better by then. Stupid ickybugs.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't ever call you a Kendo baka... maybe a Kendo otaku.... but not baka. But, I know what you mean. I get a bit stir crazy if I can't get out to take wildlife photos. It's my link to Gaia, and when I'm most at peace, and even helps slow down my racing ADHD brain so I think clearer. Kendo would be a discipline that makes you more in touch with your core, your every muscle, movement, and within that, you would find peace. (Yes, even the act of sparring with bamboo swords can bring peace, as with every martial art, since they are all a bit of muscle memory and the rest is mental.
